Monday, November 26, 2007

Distance Learning Provides Opportunities

YouTube and TeacherTube provide more than just amusing videos to pass the time. They've got some really interesting videos for teachers that can assist them in their teaching methods and can even be played in class. This video is from Texas where they are using video conferencing. Here in Iowa of course we have the ICN and that can connect students from various schools in Iowa. Beyond that, students can take courses for college credit or take courses that maybe aren't offered at their schools. Video conferencing is a really powerful tool that I don't think gets enough attention anymore. Some teachers put a limit on its possibilities and don't think about some of the exciting things that this technology can be useful for.

Iowa Communications Network

Sunday, November 25, 2007

All we are saying is give students a chance...

There have been many ideas thrown around about giving each student a laptop when they reach a certain grade level. Some schools have actually even attempted this project ( ). As our society is progressing in the 21st Century, technology is finding its way into more and more areas of our lives. All throughout my high school career I had a computer available to me in my house. Now I can't even imagine what it would have been like to have not had that priviledge. I would have had to stay at the school later than normal in order to type a paper or try to find time to go to the library in order to research for my next big presentation. This could have taken away from time in after-school activities or it could have interferred with a part-time job.

As techonology becomes of higher importance in the education of our students, the idea of giving every student a laptop seems more and more sensible. Laptops for every students ensures that no student is at a disadvantage. Of course some have voiced concerns that students will be irresponsible with them and break them or lose them. There is no denying that the occasional accident will take place, but the truth of the matter is, students need to learn responsibility. Why not sooner than later? In the end, I believe that giving students laptops is not only a valuable idea but will eventually become a neccessary one.

Augmentative Communication Devices

When I was doing a job shadow on a Speech-Language Pathologist during my Senior year of high school I saw a student using one of these. This student had no speech sounds apart from some unrecognizable grunts. With this simple machine, the student could answer questions and make requests. This goes to prove that not all technology is a waste of time. Augmentative communication devices come in a very wide range, from the simple to the complex. This way as the user grows, so can the technology.

These devices create a really great opportunity for students within a classroom setting. It provides a mode of communication between the student and the teacher as well as the student with his or her peers. An ACD can assist students who desire to participate in classroom discussions and group projects by opening up the lines of communication.

Check out this website to see more amazing technology that has been created to assist those with mental and physical disabilities.

Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center

Friday, November 23, 2007

A little reality based fiction for your reading pleasure...

I wrote this while I was still in high school. I found it again not too long ago and thought it wasn't bad and perhaps even worth sharing.

Tears of Grace

They buried my little girl today. That though alone kept running through her head. There were no more tears. The tears had run out long before the funeral. Whitley turned away from the window where the harsh rain fell against the glass. She could see Graham sitting on the couch in the living room, hands folded, head hanging. She knew his day had been just as rough as hers, Gracie and Graham had been so close. Whitley thought about the day Gracie was born, the way Graham held her in his arms, tears running down his face. To think, that was only four short years ago.

Whitley’s thoughts wandered through the years as if turning pages in a photo album. She remembered the happy times; first steps, first teeth, first Christmas and Gracie’s beautiful smile, which was forever embedded in her heart. Then, suddenly, like a wave of cold water, reality set in and the thought of never again seeing Gracie’s face light up with happiness brought a new rush of tears to her eyes.

Whitley’s mind wandered farther. She remembered back four months ago. The doctor had walked through the pastel colored hallway that was meant to make patients and visitors feel calm and warm, but now simply sent shivers up Whitley’s spine. The doctor informed Whitley that Gracie had a heart condition and about three more months to live. She remembered she turned to look at her daughter who was happily playing with one of the games in the waiting area. These cruel memories were vivid in her mind, haunting her every minute. She recalled painful nights in the hospital, holding Gracie’s small, weak hand as the doctor performed yet another test. Then, she thought of when the doctor told her there was nothing more they could do. Gracie died within that hour. Whitley’s tears flowed hotly down her face as she held tightly onto Graham.

The days that followed were filled with familiar faces. Many eyes with tear-stained cheeks met Whitley’s and expressed feelings of pity and love. She was grateful for these people and all the help, but Whitley felt as though she hadn’t had a moment to herself.

The funeral was a flood of black surrounding a small little casket beneath a large spray of yellow roses. Yellow was Gracie’s favorite color. Whitley scanned the faces and her eyes dropped to the young, confused looking face of Neely, Gracie’s best friend at daycare. Whitley walked to Neely and knelt down, hugging her tightly.

Whitley snapped herself back to reality when she felt Graham’s strong hands resting on her shoulders. “They buried my baby!” And the tears came again.