I chose my theme for this blog to be the incorporation of technology into the Language Arts classroom. So often, teachers and professors of English don't recognize the possibilities that technology can bring! No, this does not mean that I'm getting renouncing books...but I am arguing that there is a better way to teach English and that's through the help of technology.
I have been exploring some blogs concerning Language Arts and teaching and here are a few that I enjoyed and thought worth mentioning:
The English Teacher BlogThis blog's writer is focusing on sending out to English teacher's useful information. She has funny stories, new book releases updates, and a variety of other fun stuff for English teachers to know about. The website also provides information on new seminars and webinars for English teachers to attend. I selected this blog because it was from an English teacher's point of view and it really shows how effective collaboration can be. The comments tool is really effective in this one and it creates for an online community of people with a common purpose, which is really exciting.
Teaching with TechnologyThis blog is different from the previous blog because it focuses specifically on the integration of technology into the classroom. It provides information on new fun gadgets that teachers can explore to determine if they should use them in their classroom. As teachers, there is no possible way to keep up on the new technology or new methods that are pouring out at us, so blogs like this one give us a chance to catch up quickly. The goal of this blog really seems to be giving teachers ideas about technology integration and introducing new technologies. The blog features lots of videos, screen captures and links to create a much more interactive blog.
In the end, what I'm looking for is a combination of these two items. I want to look into new ways to include technology in the English classroom.