Thursday, March 26, 2009

Read-Write-Think...My New Best Friend

So, I was introduced to this website and pretty much fell in love with it. It is honestly such a fun tool for educators, especially in the literacy and language arts fields. They've got a ton of resources for students as well as really great resources for teachers. It's got lesson plans up the wazoo and those lesson plans coordinate with NCTE standards (this website is a branch off of the NCTE site).

I loved this lesson that looked at Satire and compared Jonathan Swift to Dr. Seuss...Brilliant!

From Dr. Seuss to Jonathan Swift: Exploring the History behind the Satire

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Funny grammar rules!

As English teachers, it is difficult not to be a stickler about grammar. These rules, provided by the Creative Teaching website (which is cool in and of itself...check it out), are hilarious!

Humorous Grammar Rules

Give these rules as a list for students and when issues with one or more of these rules come up, refer students back to the list for some practice and to get a good laugh! Also, you can use these rules for a rule of the week type of thing. A bulletin board would also be a neat idea.