I'm here to tell you, don't believe everything you hear about video games. As non-gamers, we only see the surface level content of what students are doing these days. They are sitting for hours in front of computer and TV screens, wasting away perfectly good time, rotting their brains with violent images. Not sounding too positive, huh? I'm here to tell you that gaming is NOT ruining today's youth. In fact, it is most likely helping them to take a step above their peers. This past semester I have been doing some really in-depth research on how gaming effects learning and what I've come to learn from all of this reading is that gaming is a positive thing! It's not something we as educators or parents should be scared of. Gaming can teach students some really great skills like social interaction, problem-solving, thinking in terms of cause and effect, and gaming can also help students become more aware and empathetic of various cultures, ethnicities and ideologies.
One author that has been really influential in changing my mind about video games is Marc Prensky. His website provides tons of really great information to parents and teachers about gaming and how it is changing today's youth for the better. Check it out and be ready to open your mind up to the world of video games.
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