Isn't she lovely?
I received a Kindle for my graduation present from college and for a a book nerd like me...this is the best gift someone could give. It's nice and sleek and it holds 1,500 books! That's right, let me just repeat that. 1,500 books. Even big ol' fatty fatties like War and Peace can fit into that slim, sleek, little machine. Not only that but you can jump right onto the Kindle Store and get new books downloaded to your Kindle in 3 minutes or less. The best part, of course, is that the books are way cheaper than you could ever get them in print.
Not only can you get books on your kindle but you can also subscribe to get blogs, magazines, and newspapers. This is just a really amazing piece of technology that very few people know about. When I'm reading on my Kindle out in public it's amazing to me that many haven't ever heard of or seen a Kindle before. Soon enough these little machine's will be in the hand of every college student. Think of the money you could save on textbooks!!! Not to mention the room you could save in your backpack.
As any good consumer, there are a few things that do throw me off with the Kindle. For starters, why wouldn't you give a backlight option?! I love to read in the car but the big problem is reading in the car after the sun goes down. I was shocked when I got the Kindle into the car the first time and realized that it didn't have a backlight. I also tried to use the Text to Speech function, but the voice is so digitized and automated with absolutely no inflection. As a reader, I lasted about 2 seconds before I had to turn off the little man trying to read The Scarlet Letter.
Even with the room for improvement, I still get googly eyed when I look at my Kindle. It's like the perfect machine for the book nerd and technology nerd that lives inside of me. To see more information about Kindles and to get one of your own, head on over to Amazon.com!
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